emacs-flycheck-clj-kondo 0.0.4-1.e38c67bSynopsis: Add Clj-kondo linter to Flycheck
Description: This package integrates Clj-kondo with Emacs via Flycheck.
emacs-unkillable-scratch 1.0.0-0.b24c2a7Synopsis: Prevents the *scratch* buffer from being killed
Description: unkillable-scratch
helps prevent killing buffers matching a given regexp.
emacs-adwaita-dark-theme 1.3.0Synopsis: Adwaita-inspired dark color scheme for Emacs
Description: This package provides an Adwaita-inspired dark color scheme for Emacs.
emacs-devicetree-ts-mode 0.3Synopsis: Tree-sitter major mode for editing DTS files
Description: This package provides tree-sitter major mode for editing Devicetree files.
emacs-next-pgtk-xwidgets 30.0.92-0.881d593Synopsis: Emacs text editor with @code{xwidgets} and @code{pgtk} support
Description: This Emacs build implements graphical UI purely in terms of GTK.
emacs-icomplete-vertical 0.3Synopsis: Display Icomplete candidates vertically
Description: This package defines a global minor mode to display Icomplete completion candidates vertically.
emacs-helm-dired-history 1.3Synopsis: Show dired histories you have visited in Emacs
Description: emacs-helm-dired-history
shows dired histories you have visited in Emacs.
emacs-ace-jump-helm-line 0.5.0-0.1483055Synopsis: Ace-jump to a candidate in Helm window
Description: This package allows using Ace jump to a candidate in Helm window.
emacs-helm-shell-history 0.1-1.110d3c3Synopsis: Find shell history with Emacs Helm
Description: This package provides an Emacs Helm interface to search throw a shell history.
emacs-ibuffer-projectile 0.4Synopsis: Group Ibuffer's list by Projectile root
Description: This package adds functionality to Emacs Ibuffer for grouping buffers by their Projectile root directory.
emacs-stupid-indent-mode 20170525.1117Synopsis: Plain stupid indentation minor mode
Description: Dumb indentation mode is appropriate for editing buffers that Emacs does not fully understand syntactically
emacs-counsel-projectile 0.3.2Synopsis: Enhance Projectile with Ivy
Description: This package uses Ivy to provide additional actions for Projectile commands and replacements for existing functions.
emacs-flymake-perlcritic 1.0.3-0.c11fee8Synopsis: Flymake handler for perlcritic
Description: Flymake Perlcritic adds support to Flymake for running Perl::Critic to perform static analysis of Perl code.
emacs-marginalia-emprise 0.2.0Synopsis: Annotate Emprise with Marginalia
Description: This package provides an annotation function to show playback status, artist name and title for Emprise using Marginalia.
emacs-default-text-scale 0.2Synopsis: Adjust the font size in all Emacs frames
Description: This package provides commands for increasing or decreasing the default font size in all GUI Emacs frames.
emacs-corfu-doc-terminal 0.9-0.be9fd5cSynopsis: Replace corfu docmentation child frames with popups
Description: This package replaces the child frames emacs-corfu-doc
uses with popups, which also work in the terminal.
emacs-almost-mono-themes 0-0.c3a85c1Synopsis: Almost monochromatic themes for emacs in a few variants
Description: This package provides a collection of almost monochrome Emacs themes: almost-mono-black
and almost-mono-white
emacs-eval-in-repl-ocaml 0.9.7Synopsis: One keybinding to communicate with REPLs
Description: This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from OCaml buffers.
emacs-eval-in-repl-cider 0.9.7Synopsis: One keybinding to communicate with REPLs
Description: This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Clojure buffers.
emacs-eval-in-repl-shell 0.9.7Synopsis: One keybinding to communicate with REPLs
Description: This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Shell buffers.
emacs-flymake-shellcheck 0.1-1.ac534e9Synopsis: Flymake backend for Bash/Sh powered by ShellCheck
Description: This package provides a backend for Flymake to use the tool ShellCheck for static analyzing bash
and sh
emacs-which-key-posframe Display which-key popup in a posframe (a child frame)
Description: This package is a which-key
extension, which uses posframe (a child frame) to show which-key
emacs-eval-in-repl-slime 0.9.7Synopsis: One keybinding to communicate with REPLs
Description: This package provides an ESS-like binding to send lines or regions to a REPL from Common Lisp buffers.
emacs-color-theme-modern 0.0.3-1.74ad69bSynopsis: Emacs color themes implemented via built-in customization
Description: This package contains several themes that were originally implemented with the venerable color-themes
package, ported to Emacs' built-in custom themes.
Total results: 2152